Our History
Commenced operations; 2nd private insurance company in Kuwait
Government acquired 82% stake
KIPCO became the major stakeholder
Acquired majority stake in Saudi Pearl Insurance (SPI) and in International Trust Insurance (ITI)
Formed Fajr Al Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance Co. by merger of ITI with Al-Fajr Insurance & Reinsurance Co
Acquired majority stake in Egypt’s Arab Misr Insurance Group (AMIG)
Acquired majority stake in Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company (BKIC)
Established Syrian Kuwaiti Insurance Company (SKIC)
Established Takaful Insurance Unit at Gulf Insurance, Kuwait
Established Gulf Life Insurance Company (GLIC)
Obtained official approval for Buruj Cooperative Insurance Company (BCIC), Saudi Arabia
Acquired the majority stake in Arab Orient Insurance Company (Jordan)
Fairfax acquired a significant stake in Gulf Insurance
Acquired Egyptian Life Takaful Insurance Company through GLIC
Acquired the majority stake in an Iraqi Composite insurer DAIC “Dar Assalam Insurance Company”, listed in Baghdad Stock Exchange
Established GlobeMed, Kuwait (Third-Party Administrator)
Became the 1st insurance company in Kuwait to launch “iPhone Application” for its customers
Became the 1st insurance company in Kuwait having Double “A” rating from S&P and A.M. BEST Europe (A-)
GIG celebrated 50 years of success
Participated in the shares of Alliance Insurance Company — UAE and becomes an associate to GIG
Established a Group, Gulf Insurance Group (GIG)
Switched the investment in Egyptian Takaful/Property & Liability from available for sale to an Associate Company
Established the composite insurer, Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance
United Networks became associate company to GIG
Acquired majority stake in Algerian non-life insurer, L’Algerienne Des Assurances (2A)
Established a life insurance company in Algeria, Algerian Gulf Life Insurance Company (AGLIC) & becomes an associate to GIG
Enjoys the privilege of being the first triple rated insurance company in Kuwait. (S&P, A.M. Best and Moody’s)
Acquired majority stake in Turins Sigorta, a Turkish non-life insurer and rebranded its name to Gulf Sigorta
Acquired AIG—Turkey through Gulf Sigorta (GIG Turkey) and currently operating as one company under the name “Gulf Sigorta”
Acquired Takaful International Company in Bahrain through GIG-Bahrain
Won the AFYA contract for the consecutive second time
Acquired a sizeable stake in “yallacompare”
Acquired a majority stake in “Gulf Takaful” through GIG’s subsidiary (GIG Kuwait)
Acquired a majority stake in Gulf Warranties, KSA
Entered into an agreement to acquire AXA Gulf’s insurance operations in the Gulf
Completed the acquisition of AXA’s operations in the Gulf region
Increased GIG’s paid-up share capital
Issued KD 60 million Tier 2 bonds, First issuance by an insurer and Kuwait’s First Perpetual Bond in KD
Celebrated GIG’s 60th anniversary reflecting its operational excellence
Unveiled an EVOLVED BRAND, as a major transformation with an Identity Upgrade
Won the AFYA 3 contract for a period of 2 years, the mandatory health insurance policy for retired citizens
Fairfax became the largest shareholder of GIG with 90.01% stake by acquiring an additional 46.32% of the entire stake from KIPCO
Successful acquisition of AIG Egypt’s domestic operations
Increased stake in yallacompare that turned to be an associate company
Fortune 500 Arabia: