Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December 2023

2023 2022
KD 000’s

KD 000’s


Profit for the period 29,529 36,850
Other comprehensive (loss) income:
Items that are or may be subsequently reclassified to consolidated statement of income:
  • Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations
(145) (11,420)
  • Share of other comprehensive income (loss) in investment in associates
(469) (1,477)
  • Insurance finance income (loss) for insurance contracts issued
(869) 1,711
  • Finance (expenses) income from reinsurance contracts held
445 (447)
(1,038) (11,633)
Items that will not subsequently reclassified to consolidated statement of income:
  • Change in fair value of financial assets at FVOCI
(93) (3,494)
  • Revaluation of property and equipment
1,303 4,148
  • Revaluation of pension plans
8 (125)
  • Hyperinflation impact
2,457 5,497
3,675 6,026
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the period 2,637 (5,607)
Total comprehensive income for the period 32,166 31,243
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 24,766 30,024
Non‑controlling interests 7,400 1,219
32,166 31,243

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements.