Consolidated Statement of Income

For the year ended 31 December 2023

2023 2022
Notes KD 000’s

KD 000’s


Insurance revenue 8 818,298 764,904
Insurance service expenses 8 (691,197) (589,713)
Insurance service result before reinsurance contracts held 127,101 175,191
Net expense from reinsurance contracts held 8 (77,348) (132,403)
Insurance service result 49,753 42,788
Finance expense from insurance contracts issued 8 (20,158) (2,352)
Finance income from reinsurance contracts held 8 9,675 289
Net insurance financial result 39,270 40,725
Net investment income 3 48,444 30,570
Non‑attributable general and administrative expenses (27,264) (21,078)
Other income, net 2,116 1,436
Net monetary losses due to hyperinflation (1,244) (3,957)
Finance costs (7,288) (3,628)
Impairment of investment in associates 10 (10,824)
Gain on bargain purchase from acquisition of a subsidiary 17 4,642
Profit for the year before taxation from continuing operations 47,852 44,068
Group Directors Fees (185) (185)
Contribution to KFAS (377) (480)
NLST (597) (807)
Zakat (189) (1,678)
Taxation from subsidiaries (8,103) (4,068)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 38,401 36,850
Discontinued operations:
Loss from discontinued operations 27 (8,872)
Profit for the period 29,529 36,850
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 21,206 33,376
Non‑controlling interests 8,323 3,474
29,529 36,850
Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company 4 74.735 fils 117.624 fils

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements.