Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 December 2023

 2023 2022
Notes KD 000’s

KD 000’s


Operating activities
Profit for the year before taxation from continuing operations 47,852 44,068
Loss from discontinued operations (8,872)
Profit before tax 38,980 44,068
Adjustments for:
Depreciation of property and equipment 2,553 2,202
Amortisation of intangible assets 11 6,507 4,893
Gain on bargain purchase from acquisition of a subsidiary 17 (4,642)
Net investment income (46,126) (28,183)
Impairment of investment in associates 10,824
Share of results of associates 10 (2,318) (2,389)
Finance costs 7,288 3,628
Monetary loss from hyperinflation 1,244 3,957
Impairment of intangible assets 11 173
Foreign currency translation reserve recycled to statement of profit or loss 27 7,533
Impairment of investment in a subsidiary held for sale 27 4,641
Gain on sale of a subsidiary 27 (11)
26,646 28,176
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Insurance contract assets 11,960 15,012
 Reinsurance contract assets (30,836) 61,442
Other assets 10,971 (12,146)
Insurance contract liabilities 34,639 (98,185)
Reinsurance contract liabilities 13,506 14,692
Other liabilities (33,444) 6,716
Remuneration paid to directors (185) (185)
Net cash flows from operating activities 33,257 15,522

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements

 2023 2022
Notes KD 000’s

KD 000’s


Investing activities
Movement in time deposits 5,621 13,266
Net movement of investments (95,464) (11,624)
Loans secured by life insurance policies (138) 18
Purchase of property and equipment (1,655) (1,696)
Additions on intangible assets 11 (7,011) (3,284)
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment 1,051 57
Proceeds from sale of investments properties 1,352 -
Interest income received 3 29,927 21,083
Dividend income received 3 2,504 1,871
Dividend received from associates 10 2,154 2,182
Proceeds from sale of a subsidiary 221 -
Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired 17 (566) -
Net cash flows (used in) from investing activities (62,004) 21,873
Financing activities
Net movement in bank overdraft 3,082 -
Term loans paid (4,961) (17,407)
Finance costs paid (7,288) (3,628)
Interest on subordinated perpetual Tier 2 bonds (2,893) (2,326)
Dividends paid (14,938) (9,523)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (2,624) (3,242)
Net cash flows used in financing activities (29,622) (36,126)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (58,369) 1,269
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 227,748 231,601
Foreign currency translation adjustments (3,545) (5,122)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 5 165,834 227,748

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements.