Consolidated Statement of Financial position

As at 31 December 2023

31 December 31 December 1 January
Notes 2023 2022 2022
KD 000’s

KD 000’s


KD 000’s


Cash and bank balances 5 165,834 227,748 231,601
Time deposits 6 53,245 61,107 74,373
Other assets 7 45,507 57,776 45,756
Insurance contract assets 8 6,970 19,131 34,143
Reinsurance contract assets 8 242,269 212,357 273,799
Loans secured by life insurance policies 619 481 499
Financial instruments:
  • Investments held to maturity
9 63,135 61,656
  • Debt instruments at amortised cost
9 76,895
  • Investments carried at fair value through profit or loss
9 89,429 53,458 48,469
  • Investments available for sale
9 271,142 261,749
  • Investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
9 332,809
Property and equipment 38,993 44,363 45,575
Investments in associates 10 24,297 43,717 44,987
Investment properties 8,354 9,821 10,493
Intangible assets 11 46,343 45,880 48,034
Goodwill 12 33,319 33,233 32,706
1,164,883 1,143,349 1,213,840
Disposal group held for sale 28 10,533
Total assets 1,175,416 1,143,349 1,213,840

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements.

31 December 31 December 1 January
Notes 2023 2022 2022
KD 000’s

KD 000’s


KD 000’s


Liabilities and equity
Insurance contract liabilities 8 577,846 543,914 642,099
Reinsurance contract liabilities 8 36,053 23,941 9,249
Bank Overdraft 3,082
Term loans 13 53,116 58,077 75,484
Other liabilities 14 131,176 153,448 138,524
Total liabilities 801,273 779,380 865,356
Share capital 15 28,457 28,457 28,457
Share premium 15 50,947 50,947 50,947
Treasury shares 15 (429) (429) (429)
Treasury shares reserve 3,099 3,099 3,099
Statutory reserve 15 28,457 27,835 23,843
Voluntary reserve 15 40,671 38,416 34,424
Effect of changes in ownership interest of subsidiaries (2,837) (2,837) (2,837)
Other reserve (1,643) (628) (481)
Insurance and reinsurance finance reserve 839 1,264
Cumulative changes in fair value reserve (771) (455) 1,135
Foreign currency translation adjustments (39,315) (41,405) (35,433)
Revaluation reserve 16,014 17,738 14,667
Retained earnings 112,770 106,642 93,740
Equity attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company 236,259 228,644 211,132
Subordinated perpetual Tier 2 bonds 16 60,000 60,000 60,000
Non‑controlling interests 77,884 75,325 77,352
Total equity 374,143 363,969 348,484
Total liabilities and equity 1,175,416 1,143,349 1,213,840

The attached notes 1 to 28 form part of these consolidated financial statements.